Sculpture, Installations, Other Work
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"Universal Time"
Sundial Series, steel/copper, 34" x 14" x 11 ½"

"Dangerous Time" Sundial Series,
metal/clay/shadows 5' x 23" x 14"

"About Time"
Rakued clay, 17" diameter
"Double Cloud" Wall piece, rakued clay, 19" x 14" x 4"

Two part wall piece rakued clay,
3 1/2' x 17" x 4"

"Moon Rising"
Sundial Series, clay, 20" x 11" x 10"

"Two Men Walking Four Grey Dogs"
Raku clay jigsaw puzzle
Chinese checkers set
"Cat's Cradle"

"Catching Clouds" Porcelain and string

Raku wall sculpture with underglazes
"Bell Curve"
Raku sculpture
"63rd Near Lexington, 2am"
Raku wall sculpture.
Raku and hair 'objects'

"Salt-fired Tile"
"Old Football Plays", Series 1, clay mono print

"Gotham Blue"
Two-sided raku/ walnut table screen
"Still Moving" Wood, clay, 36" x 27" x 5"
"Jigsaw Polka" One of a set, 13 3/4" raku clay, wood base
"Jigsaw Polka" Raku clay, wood